IT support

IT Support as solution givers:

It’s a dizzying time for all business technology these days. Digital transformation, a pandemic, and security breaches have made choosing the right technology partner not just a matter of staying current. Instead focus has shifted to staying connected with customers and maintaining your competitive edge. As IT infrastructure becomes more complex, managing IT support becomes more challenging and expensive.

You could use the break-fix method at an hourly rate for IT support but then the risk lies with you when a problem occurs. Traditional estimated hourly Service Level Agreements will give you a way to forecast your monthly IT support cost, but should your hours run out, the risk again lies with you.

Allow Crimson Line to manage all your devices for a monthly fee. It’s in both you and your customers best interest to ensure your IT environment is healthy, optimised, and functional. This also allows us to be proactive in the frequent management of your IT environment. At Crimson Line our Microsoft certified engineers strive to be solution-givers rather than the traditional problem-solvers.

Crimson Line’s managed IT support:

  • Reduces your business and financial risk with 24/7 remote monitoring.
  • Reduces your downtime with scheduled task automation and proactive maintenance.
  • Betters your IT strategy to give you a competitive edge.

With Managed IT Services, you can take advantage of flexible, customisable IT solutions tailored to your business. With our IT service, your company can place the technical aspects of IT and Cloud Services management in skilled hands. This allows your staff to focus where their skills are most needed.

Speak to one of our friendly account managers to answer your questions with the goal of allowing us to customise an exclusive offer for you.