What does end of life mean for Windows 7 users?
Published by Warren Harper, Business Development Manager at Crimson Line on 18 July 2019
While driving between appointments, I tune in to Cape Talk. This morning I heard Refilwe Moloto chatting to Cliff de Wit CTO and Co-Founder at Dexterity Digital about Microsoft’s Windows 7 reaching end of life on 14 January 2020.
One reason he gave to highlight why it’s important to change to Windows 10, is that security patches and bug fixes won’t be done to Windows 7 once it reaches end of life.
You might be thinking, “that’s not so bad. If I can continue working as I have, I don’t need to change it.”
But, if you connect your laptop/PC to the internet, you should know that there are thieves who are continuously trying to find the least protected data. Once they find it, they will hold you at ransom. Yes, even your business at the far end of Africa has value to a cybercriminal.
As Cliff de Wit said, although officially you can’t download Windows 10 for free, there are ways of doing it and if you contact me, I’ll point you in the right direction.
As a Gold Microsoft Partner, Crimson Line has been advising and helping businesses with 5 to 1000 PC users since 1998. Companies that don’t have the need to employ an IT person fulltime use us as their IT department. We provide them with Managed IT Services. Our goal is to alleviate your IT headaches.