Why these clients work with Crimson Line

At Crimson Line, we’re incredibly passionate about IT. We’re constantly improving our knowledge in especially Azure and Modern Workplace – areas within the Microsoft landscape that interest us intensely – because Microsoft makes improvements so frequently. Together with our experience of over 21 years, we’re able to offer our clients carefully considered assessments, accurate environment and licensing costings, precision deployment, and ongoing assistance with the management of Microsoft Azure.

Crimson Line’s Azure resources, knowledge, and experience was an asset to OneDayOnly.co.za in late 2020 when they needed to find a fast, effective hosting solution that had high scalability that could handle traffic on big demand days like Black Friday. Crimson Line continues to work with them to move more workloads into Azure.

In 2019, ISV, redPanda Software’s United Kingdom branch, needed a solution to host an environment that could accommodate 80 000 users a week. They turned to Crimson Line’s extensive Azure knowledge to provide a secure, scalable, and highly available solution. Crimson Line provides continuous management of the solution.

Partner with a top 1% Microsoft expert to benefit your cloud journey

Azure has incredible capabilities and when put into the hands of a specialised team such as ours, you can easily gain these benefits without risking your reputation. Using Azure, you get big corporate functionality. Partnering with Crimson Line, you get a team small enough to care about you.

Get in touch.

One of our core values is “be of value”. We’re adding value to OneDayOnly.co.za and redPanda Software’s IT environments by sharing our knowledge and experience about Azure, our network of resources that we’ve gained over 21 years, being continuous students, and being part of Microsoft’s top 1% partner network. Let’s connect and do the same for you.

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