Can SA SMEs benefit from the same technology as their American counterparts?
By Crimson Line Marketing on 11 December 2019
Jack’s Diving Locker, a scuba diving and snorkel educational facility, uses Microsoft 365 Business to securely run their business and to streamline their outreach efforts. Since adopting a cloud-based security and communication solution, its founders have grown their business from five sets of gear and a Volkswagen van to a company with two retail stores and five boats at two harbors. They use security tools, like Microsoft Intune, to protect company data and devices and to ensure that business is conducted securely and efficiently. With help from Microsoft 365 Business, Jack’s Diving Locker has expanded into a global ocean conservation and education company, teaching people all over the world to preserve and protect our oceans.
In the past, SMEs could only dream of using big corporate technology’s functionality. The introduction of the cloud, has changed this dramatically and now any company, in any country, can benefit from the same technology capabilities that was once reserved for the big guys.
But it can be daunting to stop doing things the way that you’ve always done and are used to doing. As a SME ourselves, we understand this.Our 21 years’ of experience giving SA SMEs traditional IT support and more recently support on cloud services use, means we offer well-considered advice to help you take measured and balanced technology decisions.
Crimson Line is on a drive to help SA SMEs grow their own bottom line to help the SA economy. Get in touch to benefit.